Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 8.

1. Today I am grateful that my mum came home from holidays.  She was away for 2.5 weeks over the Christmas period and I just missed her. So. Damn. Much.

My mum and I have had a rough path on the road to the relationship we have now. Full of many ups and downs, months of not talking, heated ugly words  ... it's not always been very pretty. On both of our parts. 

I used to be jealous of the mother-daughter relationships my friends had with their mums. Shopping, softness and Saturday coffees. But I don't like shopping or coffee and I'm not very soft. I think my mum was made just for me and I'm lucky to have her.

2. For a job that makes me use my brain.  Every day with this job I am confused and frustrated and have to think and problem solve to get an answer.  After working too many years in a mindless job it's kind of thrilling to have to search to find an answer and feeling some sense of achievement. 

I don't know if this job is forever.  I know everyone says this but I've always really believed that I am meant to do something big with my life. Something meaningful and that makes a difference. I'm still trying to figure it all out.

3. For a great night's sleep last night.  After days of being sick and feeling blocked up it was much needed.  Sleep is the best medicine. I would marry it.

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