Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 13.

1. I'm grateful that Thom just LOVES fruit. From the moment I found out I was pregnant there were certain things I wished for. One of them was that my child has a healthy relationship with food and was more like his Dad (who would reach for an orange) than me (who reaches for biscuits). I'm so happy that Thom eats healthy, having him has educated me.

2. I'm grateful that Thom is growing up in a multicultural family. Today he was chatting to a few Cambodian people who didn't speak English and he didn't even notice. Our family is made up of English, Greek, Australian, Indian and Cambodian members and I love it.

3. I'm grateful to have plans and dreams. I'm not happy with my life as it is. I've always had hopes and dreams for how I want my life to be and the kind of life I want to provide for my children. I'm not living that life at the moment and that is frustrating and maddening but I'm glad that I'm not a quitter. I'll find a way.

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