Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 16.

This post is going to be slightly different to my posts to date.  Today I went on one of my weekly adventures with Thom.  My BFF of over 15 years came with me and she, not so subtly, pointed out that she hadn't yet been mentioned here.  So this post is dedicated to you Kristy Lee.

I am grateful for:
1. Your honesty.
2. Your support.
3. Your love.

Kristy is the kind of friend every girl should have.  She always lets you know how she feels, even if you don't want to hear it. She is bone crushingly honest. She has at times been more family to me than my own family.

She is the person who rang around all the wedding venues and organised refunds for me when I was 'left at the alter' so to speak.  She knows me sometimes better than I know myself which is annoying at times!

She is strong and opinionated and thoughtful and generous and a right old pain in the arse. Even my mum loves her, and that is saying something.

I have found in this past year that some friendships come and go, but I know that Kristy is going to be part of my life as long as we both may live.  She is the Juju to my Kiki, the Wallace to my Veronica and we know way too many dirty secrets about each other to not stay together!

I love you Kristy Lee, my sister to another mister.

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