Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7.

1. I'm grateful for being back at work today. The past two weeks of 'holidays' were exhausting. Trying to entertain and capture the imagination of a toddler is exhausting, especially in the heatwave. I felt like such a failure every time I turned on the tv.

I think it takes a lot of patience and creativity to be a stay at home mum. I crave adult interaction and challenging my brain. I have accepted that's just who I am and I think being a strong, independent, working woman is a good thing for Thom to witness as he grows. I want him to place the same value on money that I do.

2. I'm grateful to have found a friend at work who gets my dirty, inappropriate sense of humour. I like having an email pal to break up the day. I laughed out loud at my computer today ... Which would have been more awkward if I was in the office.

3. I'm so very grateful to be at peace with the end of my marriage. I was emailing with a friend today who is still in the height of his relationship breakup. He is very angry, emotional, depressed and I try to empathise but I realise that I'm not there any more. I'm so glad. Breakups suck the life and joy out of you.

Here's someone who brings me joy:

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